VClerk installation guide for WooCommerce

VClerk installation guide for WooCommerce

In this guide, we’ll walk through the installation process to get VClerk up and running on a WooCommerce store.

About the install process

This guide walks through adding VClerk’s WooCommerce plugin to a WordPress store, activating it, and then creating a WooCommerce REST API user.

Once we finish those steps, we’ll add the API details to a new store in VClerk’s dashboard. 

VClerk will then import your products and you’ll be ready to accept calls using VClerk.

Adding the VClerk WooCommerce plugin

First, download the latest version of the VClerk WooCommerce plugin from this link.

Login to the WordPress admin of your store, and visit the Plugins menu and click the Add New link. From there, you can click Upload Plugin.  Select the zip file you just downloaded, and click Install Now:

Screenshot 2021-04-14 at 12.39.51

Once installed, you’ll see the option to Activate the plugin. Click the Activate button.

You’ve now installed the VClerk plugin for WooCommerce!

Now, let’s add the store to your VClerk Dashboard.

Sign-in, or register for a new account if you’re not already a VClerk customer, at

Click on WooCommerce below the Add Store section:

Screenshot 2021-04-14 at 12.46.34

You’ll be asked for some details of your store. Let’s look at these one-by-one:

Store name:

FieldDescriptionExample value
Store nameBusiness name of your storeMy lovely hat store
WooCommerce domainURL of your
Consumer KeyAPI key from WooCommerceck_xxxxkkkk3333
Consumer SecretAPI secret from WooCommercecs_uuuukkkk2222

Add the store name, and domain first, you should have those already. For the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, we need to add a new WooCommerce REST API user using the WordPress admin panel, which will give us the key and secret to enter.

Now let’s add an API user to WooCommerce

If you want to follow the WooCommerce documentation for adding a REST API user, use this link.

From the WordPress admin panel, click WooCommerce, Settings, Advanced and then REST API.

Click Add Key, and type VClerk for the description. Select your (or another admin) user account, and then select Read/Write as the permissions.

Screenshot 2021-04-14 at 12.58.15

Click Generate API key. WooCommerce will add a new API user. Copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret and paste those values into the VClerk store settings:

Screenshot 2021-04-14 at 12.48.18-1

Now click Create and VClerk will import your products and add some webhooks so we know when your product catalogue changes.

You can now click Go Online, and see VClerk on your store. Congratulations!

Have a little more time?

Personalise your VClerk with a custom message and profile picture!

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